Energy Sector
The energy sector is a branch of industry focused on activities concerned with the generation, transfer, conversion and rational use of electrical energy. The energy sector is subdivided according to the means of production used into three main sectors: thermal energy, hydroelectric power and atomic energy.
At present, the energy industry is at the forefront and centre of the Russian economy and is a sector with great promise and potential. Russia is a world leader in the development of atomic energy technologies and regularly hosts international exhibitions and power generation forums. As well as having the relevant practical experience and skills, translation of technical documentation on energy production requires the translator’s understanding of specific concepts and terminology. Transtech employs professionals who are capable of carrying out this task to the standards required.
The translation process for technical documentation on energy production includes compiling glossaries and vocabularies of the terminology and the translation itself, of various types of documentation, among which, design, research, scientific and financial documents are all to be found. There is also interpreting for the supervised installation of equipment, personnel training, meetings and negotiations.
Translation of technical documentation on this subject has its particular aspects which are to do with the abundance of drawings, graphs, diagrams, etc., in them. With its up-to-date technical resources and facilities, Transtech is well-equipped for processing large volumes of these types of materials, of any format, to a high quality and to meet set deadlines.
The company regularly arranges training sessions which are aimed at refreshing and enhancing its operative staff’s competences and qualifications, in order to achieve their utmost compatibility with modern standards when accomplishing translation tasks.
Transtech has a wealth of experience in working with such large generating companies as RusHydro JSC, South-Western Thermal Power Station JSC, Electroagregat JSC, Gidroenergoprom JSC, Nevsky zavod Electroshield JSC, and many others.